Olive & the Fox™

Olive & the Fox™ is a labor of love. Inspired by the illustrations based on Kim Holt’s granddaughter, we decided to share the love and create a unique and extraordinary doll. She is made with passion and is perfect for play, to love, and to be loved ❤.

Olive is defined by your child’s imagination. A beautiful, high quality, 20” tall, soft doll, Olive wearing a modern dress trendy boots, has a removable scarf and bag with her stuffed toy the Fox.

Olive & the Fox™ both love to give lots of hugs and are always there to play, go on adventures, or have quiet time. Is she flying to Mars in her new spaceship, playing guitar and singing songs, or running to the park to swing and jump high? A true best friend, Olive, is an artful soft doll that invites endless possibilities for imaginative play.